ID: com.fallinghawks
Version: 1.0.2
Size: 0 Mb
Nicole Perretta's Bird Calling Screenshots
How to install Nicole Perretta's Bird Calling apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Nicole Perretta's Bird Calling Description
This app teaches you how to make bird calls.Have you ever gone birding and heard birds, but didn't see them? They may be shy of humans, but they're curious about their own kind. "Bird Call Lady" Nicole Perretta teaches five sounds that are the basis of most bird calls. By combining these sounds you can learn to call songbirds, hawks, owls, and game birds, and draw them into the open, or even have a conversation!
In addition to the lessons, this app includes specific instructions with audio tracks to call acorn woodpeckers, American crows, California quail, Cooper's hawks, ravens, mourning doves, roadrunners, red-shouldered hawks, western screech owls, wild turkeys, and songbirds in general. Accompanying these are Nicole's lush, colorful paintings of each bird. Also included are videos of birds responding to Nicole's calls, and a bonus mix track of rainforest birds.
Nicole Perretta, an artist, avian behavioral consultant, and falconer, brings her book to Android format and includes extra art, video and sounds not in the original book. Nicole has been featured on the Ellen Degeneres show and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Technical notes
The app is 23 MB and will install on internal storage or SD card. It looks best on screens that are at least 3.6". It looks great on a 7" Nexus tablet. Because this is a fairly large app we recommend downloading via WiFi for the stability and it will not impact your data plan.
Note: if the app does not work well on your device, please report the bug and contact the developer ( instead of downrating. I will try to find and fix bugs.
What's new in Nicole Perretta's Bird Calling 1.0.2
Version 1.0.1 - fix out of memory on Samsung Galaxy S3Version 1.0.2 - typo corrections
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