Version: 1.0.3
Size: 0 Mb
7 Educational Games For Kids Screenshots
How to install 7 Educational Games For Kids apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
7 Educational Games For Kids Description
Hello Kids!Learnin games prepared for elementary school and preschool age group (4-9 years) are both fun and educational also COMPLETELY FREE games. 7 different games in the same application are put into service for you. By clicking the part you want to play, you can benefit from our games whole of them are free.
These games that are in our educational games packet:
- Finding hidden fruits and vegetables
- Matching shadow
- Matching object number
- Finding the names of animals
- Finding the different one
- Ordering from the talest to the smallest one
- Which one is where
- Finding hidden fruits and vegetables: The game of finding four different fruits and vegetables hidden behind some objects will both entertain the kids and help the development of their distinguishing and attention abilities.
- Matching Shadow: The game of finding the true one from the four different shadows contributes to the development of their visual perception skills.
- Matching objects numbers: The game of carrying the true number to the box by counting the object in each part is for the development of the kids' counting number,matching,attention and math skills.
- Animal Names: By ordering the letters in a true way, The game of finding the initial animal name is tried to help both the kids' ordering skill development and their learning the unknown animal names.
- Finding the different one: The game of finding the different one from the inside of six similar images is aimed to develop the kids' selective perception, attention, thinking, and establishing relationship skills.
- Ordering from the talest to the smallest one:By ordering four objects fom the talest to the smallest one , you will have fun and contribute to the development of your math skill.
- Which one is where: Five objects from ten objects are related to the object in the middle.
You will help to develop your matching ability by finding the true ones,putting into place,establishing relationship.
Wonderful graphics are waiting for you. Have fun kids.Enjoy your learning!!
What's new in 7 Educational Games For Kids 1.0.3
Some bugs are fixed.Download 7 Educational Games For Kids 1.0.3 unlimited APK
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