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How to install Weather Denmark Free apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Weather Denmark Free Details
Meteo Denmark is a mobile application free weather, completely redesigned with ergonomic and modern design to provide a better user experience and a high readability of weather information:- Forecasts geo-localized (automatic detection of your region)
- The weather in the Danish city of your choice,
- All major Danish, European, asian, african, australian cities are supported (using the top menu on the left and add a city by clicking add city at the bottom of the screen).
- Search cities of the world: Paris, Barcelona, Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Jakarta, Mexico City, Lima, Tehran, Bogota, Rome, London, Brussels, Delhi, Tokyo, New York ...
- Rain in the forecast hour
- The 5-day weather bulletins,
- Weather Widget
- Verticalllement Sweep the screen to update the weather forecasts,
- View the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit ...
- Updating weather by sliding the screen down
- Source data very reliably recognized (1 Billion forecast per day)
Weather following Danish cities and more:
Koge, Karup, Randers, Horsens, Stenlose, Strandby, Copenhagen, Vejle, Arhus, Herning, Esbjerg, Frederikshavn, Odense, Fredensborg, Frederiksberg, Faaborg, Augustenborg, Viborg, Taastrup, Svendborg, Sonderborg, Slagelse, Skive, Silkeborg, Roskilde, Rodovre, Ringsted, Nykobing Falster, Nyborg, Naestved, Lillerod, Korsor, Kolding, Kalundborg, Ishoj, Hvidovre, Horsholm, Holstebro, Holbaek, Hjorring, Hillerod, Helsingor, Haderslev, Greve, Glostrup, Frederiksberg, Fredericia, Farum, Charlottenlund, Birkerod, Ballerup, Aalborg, Albertslund, Aabenraa, Vodskov, Vissenbjerg, Virklund, Vipperod, Vindinge, Vindeby, Videbaek, Viby, Vester Hassing, Vestbjerg, Vekso, Vallensbaek, Vadum, Ullerslev, Tune, Trorod, Trige, Tranbjerg, Torring, Tollose, Toftlund, Thyboron, Thuro By, Taulov, Tarnby, Svogerslev, Svinninge, Svejbaek, Svebolle, Sunds, Sundby, Stubbekobing, Stroby Egede, Strib, Storvorde, Store Heddinge, Stilling, Stige, Stenlille, Stege, Stavtrup, Stavnsholt, Starup, Spentrup, Soro, Sonderso, Soften, Solrod Strand, Solrod, Solbjerg, Snoghoj, Snejbjerg, Smorumnedre, Slangerup, Skovby, Skaelskor, Skibby, Skagen, Seden, Saeby, Sakskobing, Sabro, Rudkobing, Ronnede, Ronne, Ronde, Rodding, Rodbyhavn, Rodby, Ringe, Praesto, Pandrup, Otterup, Osted, Olstykke, Oksbol, Odder, Nyrad, Nykobing Sjaelland, Nykobing Mors, Nordby, Nordborg, Norre Hvalso, Norre Alslev, Norre Aby, Niva, Nibe, Nexo, Neder Holluf, Nakskov, Munkebo, Marstal, Marslet, Maribo, Mariager, Malov, Malling, Lynge, Lojt Kirkeby, Logumkloster, Logten, Logstor, Liseleje, Lind, Vaerlose, Lemvig, Lejre, Langeskov, Langa, Kongens Lyngby, Kolt, Klarup, Kjellerup, Kerteminde, Kas, Jyllinge, Jyderup, Juelsminde, Jaegerspris, Ikast, Hvide Sande, Hurup, Hundested, Humlebaek, Hornbaek, Horve, Horuphav, Hong, Hojby, Hjallerup, Hirtshals, Helsinge, Hellebaek, Havdrup, Haslev, Harlev, Harby, Hanstholm, Hammel, Hals, Hadsund, Gundsomagle, Guderup, Graested, Grindsted, Gram, Gorlev, Glamsbjerg, Gjellerup Kirkeby, Gistrup, Gilleleje, Ganlose, Galten, Fuglebjerg, Frejlev, Frederiksvaerk, Frederikssund, Framlev, Forlev, Fjerritslev, Fensmark, Farso, Fakse Ladeplads, Fakse, Espergaerde, Ejby, Ejby, Egtved, Ebeltoft, Dybbol, Dronninglund, Dragor, Dianalund, Christiansfeld, Bullerup, Brovst, Broager, Braedstrup, Borup, Bording Kirkeby, Bogense, Blovstrod, Bjaeverskov, Billund, Bellinge, Beder, Auning, Assentoft, Assens, Asnaes, Arslev, Aars, Alestrup, Akirkeby, Abybro
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