How to mod Play group learning 2 1.2 apk for bluestacks

How to mod Play group learning 2 1.2 apk for bluestacks

Play group learning 2.apk 1.2
Name: Play group learning 2.apk
ID: com.assertinfotech.playgrouplearning2
Version: 1.2
Size: 0 Mb

Play group learning 2 Screenshots

How to get Play group learning 2 1.2 mod apk for android
How to mod Play group learning 2 1.2 mod apk for pc
How to download Play group learning 2 patch 1.2 apk for bluestacks

How to install Play group learning 2 apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Play group learning 2 Details

Playgroup learning part 2 is next part of playgroup learning. This game consists of various modules where a child can get information about Cloth, Flower, Nature, Sports and Vegetables. Playgroup learning part 2 game is very informative and knowledge providing which not only provides knowledge to children but also helps them in analyzing what they have learnt. It is similar to school where teacher first teaches students and then asks questions to same about what they have learnt. This game is very useful to preschooler’s kids that are the kids who are going to join the school, playgroup kids etc.
Sections of playgroup learning part 2 game:-
In this game a child can learn about Cloths where a child will get information about flowers. camomile ,rose , sunflower, peach blossom ext .it contains image of flowers below the flowers name. Because of this child will be able to learn and understand well. In next section a child can analyze what he/she has learnt. In this few flowers will appears on screen and child will be asked to detect a particular flower. For this there is inbuilt sound system that means sound will be automatically generated and will ask a child to identify particular flower and if child detects the flower correctly then he/she is praised .For this a sound comes automatically which says "Amazing". If child is not able to detect the flower correctly then he/she is asked to "try again". This sound comes in every section where a child analyzed what he/she has learnt. There is a section that teaches Cloths where a child will get information about Boot , tie , cap ext and in another section few cloths will appear and child will have to identify the cloth . Next section is for nature where a child will get information about ice , water , cloud , fir ext and after that they can test there knowledge by moving on to next section where they will be given a few nature part and child will have to identify the asked nature part. A child can also get knowledge about various sports like cricket, football , baseball etc. With each sports a small description is given which will help children in better understanding and then they can analyze or identify the required sport from a group of sports . One section is based on vegetable like cabbage, carrot etc. A child can easily learn about various vegetables through the images and also the description given below with each vegetable . This way children will get more knowledge about vegetables. Description given with each of them will help in making them understand there decisions in a better way.

Other features:-
Play group learning part 2 game has few other functionalities like there is a back button. By clicking back button we can go back to previous screen. There is a button for auto play. We click on it then it play each section automatically. There is a button for sound. We can turn off or turn on the sound by clicking on it.

What's new in Play group learning 2 1.2

This version improve information of objects .
Play group learning 2 | 13 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.5

Download Play group learning 2 1.2 mod APK

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How to mod Play group learning 2 1.2 apk
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