ID: com.app_mgcapital.layout
Version: 4.0.1
Size: 0 Mb
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- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
MG Capital Details
Marcus Goh leads the investment management activities and the overall strategic direction of the firm. He has plenty of alternative investment market experience, including manager due diligence, risk management and asset allocation for multi-manager products and investments. For the last few years, he has been the chief investment strategist for a group of 1,500+ investors globally. His primary responsibilities include long-term investment selection and asset allocation for hundreds of client portfolios worldwide. Currently, he sits as the respected Founder and CEO of MG Capital Pte Ltd. His investment skills are often praised, and used by clients, from individual investors to large companies, to develop advanced portfolio management strategies and to help them achieve specific goals for their own financial future.As chief investment officer of MG Capital Pte Ltd, Marcus chairs the company’s investment committee and sets the investment philosophy and process. Alternative investments can provide an opportunity for you to diversify your portfolio through an extensive range of products. That's why he is responsible for asset allocation, investment selection and review, and winning alternative investments. The most rewarding part of his position however, comes from being able to make the most amazing investment decisions. And to carry out the best long-term plan and execution steps possible for the client.
When you work with Marcus, you receive high returns, and immediately sense his commitment to investment excellence. With a unique combination of resources and capabilities, MG Capital Pte Ltd offers quality advice and distinctive global investment opportunities. As founder, Marcus applies innovative strategies, as he's one of the best minds in the industry. Due diligence and remarkable perseverance allows him to discover appropriate alternative investments for his clients. Providing exclusive access to products and investment levels that may be available to only a select few. He constantly finds alternative investments and tailors them to suit a variety of client situations and needs. A chief investment officer who provides rare insight into current market themes and industry perspective.
His private yet effective management style is designed to offset losses during a market downturn and seeks to generate returns higher than traditional stock and bond investments. If you'd like to increase investment flexibility and diversification, while reducing overall volatility, then consider working with Marcus and the MG Capital Pte Ltd team.
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