Version: 1.32
Size: 0 Mb
Hunters GPS Screenshots
How to install Hunters GPS apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Hunters GPS Description
Hunters GPS gets more info from your gps and supports dog gps SMS:es too. This app includes weather information, moon rise and set times, very light mildot calculator and of course one-click distance estimation from the Google Maps.With this app you can also save your game shot location for distance estimation and of course your car place in the hunting area. This app will show also a route near to your dog, when needed.
Notice that this app will NOT include live tracking, this app will be ONLY for MPTP-tracking.
Full property listing;
- Dog gps location sms support (MPTP standard)
- Route to dog position after the sms is received
- Green warning text when dog is under 500 meters away (instead of traveling time).
- Blue warning text when dog is under 300 meters away (instead of traveling time).
- Yellow warning text when dog is under 200 meters away (instead of traveling time).
- Red warning text when dog is under 100 meters away (instead of traveling time).
- Measure tool for distances. Measures from current distance to clicked distance in the map
- Weather; uses OpenWeather API
- Moon rise- and set time.
- Car location button (saves the car location and after this you can shut down the app)
- Game Shot location button (saves the games shot location, you can shut down the app if needed)
- Very simple mildot calculator
- Fixed openweathermap problem
What's new in Hunters GPS 1.32
- Fixed dog line in the map; it showed wrong color, when returning from locked screen. Fixed.- Changed some settings, they were not working properly
- Added text warning insted of traveling time, when dog is near of user.
Download Hunters GPS 1.32 mod APK
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How to mod Hunters GPS 1.32 mod apk for bluestacks
How to use Hunters GPS mod apk
How to mod Hunters GPS 1.32 apk
How to get Hunters GPS lastet apk