How to mod Dirfys topoGuide 2.1 apk for bluestacks

How to mod Dirfys topoGuide 2.1 apk for bluestacks

Dirfys topoGuide.apk 2.1
Name: Dirfys topoGuide.apk
ID: anadigit.adventures.dirfys
Version: 2.1
Size: 0 Mb

Dirfys topoGuide Screen Preview

How to install Dirfys topoGuide patch 2.1 apk for laptop
How to mod Dirfys topoGuide 2.1 apk for bluestacks
How to get Dirfys topoGuide 2.1 mod apk for android

How to setup Dirfys topoGuide apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Dirfys topoGuide Description

Mt. Dirfys is the highest and richest part of the mountain range of Central Eubea. With its 1743 meters, the summit of Mt. Dirfys is the highest elevation point of Eubea island. Its shape, somewhat resembles a volcano, is very characteristic and, especially when snow-covered, is distinguished from all mainland Greece.

The application Mt. Dirfys topoGuide is a digital field guide for the wider region of Mt. Dirfys, which includes routes, text, and photos and provide active navigation to the hiker. The application includes 13 hiking and 2 MTB routes, the 2 loops of Dirfys Marathon race, as well as a SUV tour. The hiking trails list includes easy and moderate hiking trails and harder mountain ascents, of a total length of 70 km.

The application offers detailed off-line maps and an extensive introduction on geography, the nature and the monuments of Mt. Dirfys. The app offers also a useful list of POIs with a comprehensive search engine.

In the field, the application identifies the nearest route and make active navigation to it and then along it, with continuous messages to the user, while pops-up photos on every interesting or important terrain feature close to his position. If the hiker position is more than 20 meters far from the trail, the application warns him and suggests how to go back.

The cartographic company AnaDigit, creator of the application, has issued previously detailed hiking maps at a scale of 1: 25,000 for Mt. Dirfys, as well as hundreds other hiking maps for Greece (eg. maps of Mt. Olympus,Crete, Zagori, Sifnos, Naxos and other Aegean islands). To build the application and ensuring data accuracy, all paths of Mt. Dirfys have been recorded again during 2016.

What's new in Dirfys topoGuide 2.1

Version 2.1 adds:
Many improvements in almost any aspect of the app (map and data management, interface track recording, track symbology etc).
Dirfys topoGuide | -1 Reviewers | | Rating: 0

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How to install Dirfys topoGuide 2.1 unlimited apk for bluestacks
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How to mod Dirfys topoGuide 2.1 apk
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