How to mod CookBook: Resep Sambal patch 0.0.4 apk for android

How to mod CookBook: Resep Sambal patch 0.0.4 apk for android

CookBook: Resep Sambal.apk 0.0.4
Name: CookBook: Resep Sambal.apk
Version: 0.0.4
Size: 0 Mb

CookBook: Resep Sambal Screenshots

How to mod CookBook: Resep Sambal 0.0.4 apk for bluestacks
How to get CookBook: Resep Sambal 0.0.4 mod apk for bluestacks
How to mod CookBook: Resep Sambal 0.0.4 apk for laptop

How to setup CookBook: Resep Sambal apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

CookBook: Resep Sambal Description

Sambal is sauce typically made from a variety of chili peppers and secondary ingredients such as shrimp paste, fish sauce, garlic, ginger, shallot, scallion, sugar, lime juice, and rice vinegar or other vinegars.

Various recipes of sambals usually are served as hot and spicy condiments for dishes such as ikan bakar (grilled fish), ikan goreng (fried fish), ayam goreng (fried chicken), and soto. Sambal is an Indonesian loan-word of Javanese origin (sambel).

Table of Content
1. Sambal Pecit
2. Sambal Petis
3. Sambal Bajak
4. Sambal Terasi Wijen
5. Sambal Bawang
6. Sambal Teri Nasi
7. Sambal Cabai Hijau
8. Sambal Goreng Krecek
9. Sambal Tauco
10. Sambal Goreng
11. Sambal Terasi Andalan
12. Sambal Kabau Campur-campur
13. Sambalado Mudo (Sambal Cabe Hijau)
14. Sambel Terong
15. Sambal Bawang (Sambal Krosak)
16. Sambel Ebi Mama Pedes Petir
17. Sambel Leunca Seuhah Pisan
18. Sambal Tempoyak (Durian) Sumatera Selatan
19. Sambal Jelantah
20. Sambel Cetar Tanpa Terasi
21. Sambal Cabe Tomat
22. Sambal Petai
23. Sambal Terasi Pedas Sangar
24. Sambal Andaliman
25. Sambel Terasi ala 'Warung Lalapan'
26. Sambal Pecel Ngawi
27. Sambal Tumpang Kediri
28. Sambal Colo Colo (Dabu-Dabu Iris)
29. Sambel Tumpang Medioen
30. Sambel Pencit Mangga Muda
31. Sambal Tomat Nampol
32. Sambel Jeruk
33. Sambal Sereh
34. Sambal Terasi Bangka
35. Sambal Bombay
36. Sambal Goreng Asin
37. Sambal Tomat Terasi
38. Sambal Terasi Limau Kuit
39. Sambal Tomat + Tempe
40. Sambel Ikan Asin Gabus
41. Sambel Terasi Goreng
42. Sambal Gandaria
43. Sambal Goreng Terasi
44. Sambel (Nasi) Pecel Madiun
45. Sambal Tukai dengan Daun Ketumbar
46. Sambal Hijau Rebus
47. Sambel Bawang
48. Sambal Tuna Ikan Teri
49. Sambal Blacan Goreng Bumbu Lengkuas
50. Sambal Bawang Bu Rudy Ala Aurora Snack
51. Sambal Gami
52. Sambal Wong Kito Galo (Tempoyak)
53. Sambal Tomat
54. Sambel Pecel
55. Sambal Trasi Mentah
56. Sambal Dabu-dabu
57. Sambal Masak
58. Sambel Brambang
59. Sambel Lado Tomat
60. Sambal Matah
61. Sambal Mangga
62. Sambal CuTe (Kencur Tempe)
63. Sambal Rawit Kecap
64. Sambel Kacang (Sambel Pecel)
65. Sambal Pecel Lele Lamongan
66. Sambal Rusu
67. Sambal Udang Baring
68. Sambal Kemiri
69. Sambel Goreng Terasi Pedas
70. Sambal Terasi
71. Sambel Cacapan Asam
72. Sambal Kacang
73. Sambal Terasi Turunan
74. Sambal Terasi Lampung
75. Sambalado Ijau (Sambel Ijo)
76. Sambal Tomat Matang Pedas Manis
77. Sambal Colo-Colo
78. Sambal Lombok Ijo
79. Sambel Tauco Otak-otak
80. Sambal Limo

Note: Indonesian Language

What's new in CookBook: Resep Sambal 0.0.4

CookBook: Resep Sambal | 20 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.5

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