How to mod CFMS French Vocabulary 3.1.3 mod apk for bluestacks

How to mod CFMS French Vocabulary 3.1.3 mod apk for bluestacks

CFMS French Vocabulary.apk 3.1.3
Name: CFMS French Vocabulary.apk
ID: com.callison.frenchvocabtutor
Version: 3.1.3
Size: 0 Mb

CFMS French Vocabulary Screen Preview

How to install CFMS French Vocabulary patch 3.1.3 apk for pc
How to get CFMS French Vocabulary 3.1.3 mod apk for bluestacks
How to install CFMS French Vocabulary 3.1.3 unlimited apk for bluestacks

How to install CFMS French Vocabulary apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

CFMS French Vocabulary Description

French Lessons in vocabulary broken into groups of 50 of the most common words in the French language.

This app is designed for the person who has a basic understanding of the French Language and wishes to rapidly and effectively expand their French vocabulary..

You can practice your French vocabulary offline using your preferred TTS voice.

You will need to have a TTS voice installed to use this program. The Google TTS voices are about 7mb and take a few minutes to install but you will get much better results with voices such as Ivona(which now works with Android Lollipop) and SVOX. Voices are available with both French and Canadian(with SVOX) Voices.

Learn French Vocabulary with "CFMS French Vocabulary" and increase your base of French words to nearly 5000.

The French vocabulary lessons in this app will increase your ability to read , hear and speak words in the French language.

The app uses controlled repetition to reinforce the French vocabulary already learned in the current French vocabulary lesson.

Previously learned words from all your French vocabulary lessons are revised automatically to ensure they are retained in long term memory.

You review the list of French words prior to learning and have the ability to add words you already know to the list of learned words making this one of the efficient ways to study French and increase your French learning

A record of your progress for all all your French vocabulary lessons is updated and shown as you go so you can keep track of your French learning.

For people who need to study French , "CFMS French Vocabulary" is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to learn French vocabulary and is an ideal companion for other programs that teach grammar such as Duolingo that only leave you with a few hundred words of French Vocabulary.

For those people who are interested in learning French rapidly and easily this app is the perfect addition.

It is important that as you continue to increase your French vocabulary that you continuously revise the words you have already learned so that they are retained in long term memory. CFMS French Vocabulary does this automatically for you, but also gives you the ability to alter the rate at which revision questions are given so that you revise at the rate suited to your ability and experience.

Version Three now incorporates voice recognition. Voice recognition or speech recognition will help you to improve your pronunciation of French vocabulary. Voice recognition also allows you learn more rapidly firstly because sounding out the words helps you to memorize them, and secondly the voice recognition is so fast, it speeds up the time needed to answer a question making your French lessons more productive.

What's new in CFMS French Vocabulary 3.1.3

Scrolling list in Review List removes items immediately on clicking the check box
CFMS French Vocabulary | 3 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

Download CFMS French Vocabulary 3.1.3 unlimited APK

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How to install CFMS French Vocabulary patch 3.1.3 apk for pc
How to use CFMS French Vocabulary mod apk
How to mod CFMS French Vocabulary 3.1.3 apk
How to get CFMS French Vocabulary mod apk

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