How to install Visit Isola Bergamasca lastet apk for laptop

How to install Visit Isola Bergamasca lastet apk for laptop

Visit Isola Bergamasca.apk 1.2
Name: Visit Isola Bergamasca.apk
ID: it.midapp.moma.promoisola
Version: 1.2
Size: 0 Mb

Visit Isola Bergamasca Screen Preview

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How to get Visit Isola Bergamasca 1.2 unlimited apk for laptop

How to setup Visit Isola Bergamasca apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Visit Isola Bergamasca Details

Visit Isola Bergamasca is a new tool to learn about the Isola Bergamasca, with lots of content related to cultural, religious, artistic, natural and beyond.
Each tour is accompanied by a map - even usable off-line - of geolocated points of interest, detailed descriptions, gpx track, if present, and photographic images of the main places to see.
Numerous places to discover: from the Faith routes with stops in Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, the architectural beauty of the Romanesque up to the villas and castles that dot the plains.
Do not miss a tour dedicated to the UNESCO site of Crespi d'Adda, to cycle along the river Adda and the places of Leonardo da Vinci.
For more sports are mapped some paths on the slopes of Monte Canto and JXXIII trail linking of Pope John XXIII's birth house in Sotto il Monte up to Celana.
With Visit Isolabergamasca can know in real time the events near you and choose from the services - restaurants, hotels, b & b, farms - what you are looking for.
Moreover, thanks to augmented reality service, find out what is around you will be even more fun. Framing with the room of the mobile territory, you'll see on the screen points pinpointed in the app.

A navigation system that offers you:
- Routes for cultural visits, religious, historical and cultural and natural
- Historic landmarks, nature and culture
- Accommodations and services
- Events and local events

You can view each route in a handy map and count on the support of detailed descriptions with all the technical data of the paths.

The most interesting places, the most important monuments and the most suggestive beauties of points of interest are described in a concise, but exhaustive.

Events and services
Thanks to the geolocation system, after the hike, a bike ride or sightseeing, you can stop to eat at a restaurant near you, join one of the suggested events and decide to stay overnight in one of the structures most at your fingertips hand.

Maps and geolocation offline
Each itinerary and each point of interest can be viewed offline. Just download them before leaving to browse maps and use the geolocation system even without Internet connection.

Augmented reality
With your device you can even more easily discover the points of interest around you.

What's new in Visit Isola Bergamasca 1.2

Visit Isola Bergamasca | 4 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.8

Download Visit Isola Bergamasca 1.2 unlimited APK

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How to download Visit Isola Bergamasca 1.2 unlimited apk for laptop
How to use Visit Isola Bergamasca unlimited apk
How to mod Visit Isola Bergamasca 1.2 apk
How to get Visit Isola Bergamasca lastet apk

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