ID: com.mohtaref.venus
Version: 2.0.0
Size: 0 Mb
Venus - Beauty Salons Booking Screenshots
How to install Venus - Beauty Salons Booking apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Venus - Beauty Salons Booking Description
You don't have to wait anymore! For your beauty, Venus App offers you an easy way to book for your next visit to your favorite beauty salon.Download the app, choose the date & time and select your favorite beautician. That's it.
Venus, makes the beauty always between your hands.
Venus App Features
✔ Good bye to the old way to book for a beauty salon.
No need to wait in a long queue. No need to call to get an appointment in your favorite salon. All what you need from your beauty salon is between your hands.
✔ Supports English / Arabic.
You prefer English or Arabic, No problem, Venus app supports both.
✔ Helps you find the beauty salon that you need.
Find nearby beauty salons, or in any city or district you are planning to go to, View salons services, prices, location and all details that you need using Venus App.
✔ Easily, Book an appointment in anytime, anywhere.
Choose the date and time that suits you and with a click of a button get your appointment.
✔ Choose the beautician that you like
Because your beauty is important to us, Venus allow you to choose the beautician that you like.
✔ Read salons reviews, and add your feedback easily.
❓ _ FAQ _
1. Why Venus doesn't have enough beauty salons in my area?
Venus app still new, we are in beta version right now and because we care about your beauty, we promise to do our best finding the top quality beauty salons only.
2. Where are the salons in Venus app located?
Basically, most of the salons in Venus app are in Saudi Arabia, however we are planning to cover the beauty salons in GCC countries also. Especially Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar then hopefully, we will cover United Arab Emirates and Oman.
3. Why should I use Venus app?
We are taking full attention for the quality of beauty salons that we have in our app. That's why we read your feedback about the salons in our app and we take your feedback seriously. We also are trying to offer many resources to the beauty salons that we have so they can improve their services for you.
Do you own a beauty salon?
Visit and get more information about Venus Manager system.
What's new in Venus - Beauty Salons Booking 2.0.0
We have rebuild the application to make it easier, faster and more stableDownload Venus - Beauty Salons Booking patch 2.0.0 APK
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How to get Venus - Beauty Salons Booking 2.0.0 unlimited apk for bluestacks
How to use Venus - Beauty Salons Booking mod apk
How to mod Venus - Beauty Salons Booking 2.0.0 apk
How to get Venus - Beauty Salons Booking unlimited apk