How to install TopYa! Active 2.1.1 mod apk for bluestacks

How to install TopYa! Active 2.1.1 mod apk for bluestacks

TopYa! Active.apk 2.1.1
Name: TopYa! Active.apk
Version: 2.1.1
Size: 0 Mb

TopYa! Active Screen Preview

How to mod TopYa! Active 2.1.1 unlimited apk for laptop
How to get TopYa! Active 2.1.1 unlimited apk for bluestacks
How to download TopYa! Active 2.1.1 unlimited apk for pc

How to install TopYa! Active apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

TopYa! Active Details

Get ACTIVE through a variety of sports, fitness and physical education activities that will improve your skills and fitness. Participate in skills based on your age or experience level while having FUN making your own videos! Watch instructional videos, record yourself performing a skill, then upload and share your video. Your friends will wonder how you improved so quickly!

Create videos called Freestyle Challenges and see if your friends or other TopYa! players around the world can TOP you. All you need is a mobile device camera and your imagination. Just Play...

Schools and teachers can create their own skill videos curriculum to challenge their students.

Parents can follow their kids’ progress and watch their videos, even while on the go.

“I’m learning soccer, marital arts and overall fitness even though sports wasn’t my thing.”
-- Lily, 12, student from Ohio, USA

Progress through a series of skill levels as a professional or your own teacher guides you. Then practice the skill and upload your own video accomplishing it. Receive direct feedback from your Virtual Coach to help you improve.

Express your creativity and your sense of competition. Teams of one or more players can perform any type of physical activity challenge they come up with – serious, funny or somewhere in between. The Referee scores each Freestyle Challenge and you’ll receive Points toward your total.

“I’m loving the video challenges against kids from other countries!”
-- Brendan, 10, student from London, England

To encourage competition and connection, players or teams competing with each other from different countries can earn additional points.

Become Fans of other participants using the app and share your favorite Skill accomplishments and Freestyle videos with them. See what other users are creating in your Activity Stream.

“This is the best tool I’ve ever used to assist me with my physical education programs because the kids think it’s fun and they get to use their mobile phones. Usually I’m asking them to put their phones away and now I’m asking them to get their phones out! Kids in my class that had no interest in physical education are now making up their own skills.”
-- Sue, PE teacher from California, USA

Create your own content for your individual classes or school for any type of physical activity or sport. From your own Dashboard, watch your students improve outside of their regular classes. Track their progress on your Leaderboards.

What's new in TopYa! Active 2.1.1

TopYa! Active | 9 Reviewers | | Rating: 5

Download TopYa! Active patch 2.1.1 APK

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How to get TopYa! Active 2.1.1 unlimited apk for pc
How to use TopYa! Active mod apk
How to mod TopYa! Active 2.1.1 apk
How to get TopYa! Active mod apk

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