How to install School Bus: City Drive lastet apk for bluestacks

How to install School Bus: City Drive lastet apk for bluestacks

School Bus: City Drive.apk 1.3
Name: School Bus: City Drive.apk
ID: com.anu.schoolbuscitydrive
Version: 1.3
Size: 0 Mb

School Bus: City Drive Screenshots

How to install School Bus: City Drive 1.3 apk for bluestacks
How to install School Bus: City Drive 1.3 unlimited apk for android
How to mod School Bus: City Drive 1.3 mod apk for bluestacks

How to setup School Bus: City Drive apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

School Bus: City Drive Details

“It’s time for bed kids, school starts tomorrow!” That phrase ‘school starts’ marks the end of fun in the summer for every kid around the world because school is open now and have to wake up early for school bus. While for parents, it can’t come any sooner. Gone are three months of no bedtime, the days of visiting the amusement parks and the endless slumber parties. It’s the start of another school year and the early morning routine that every child dreads. Cold milk and cereal is the standard with half shut eyes trying to grasp the last few seconds of deep sleep. But those eyes open up pretty quickly with the sound of the bus horn as it rolls up next to the bus stop. In summer holidays you miss that fun in the school bus you do and make new friends. Kids wait for the school bus driver to pick them up from their homes and transport them to their school on time. A very entertaining adventure and a very crazy paths driver goes through and keep the kids safe from the dangerous path. He doesn’t get you late right from all the traffic you are still on time.
Many kids want to get behind the wheel of a school bus because it seems really cool to be behind the wheel of one. As they grow older, not all of them get to become school bus drivers and as a result, never get to drive one. But luckily for all of you who never got to live your dream, Nucleus 3D is proud to bring to you School Bus: City Drive! Now you can do exactly that with a single tap on your screen by hitting download. Our designers have done a tremendous job in making the feel of this game very realistic with exceptionally sensitive controls and a highly interactive 3D environment. You will have some crazy fun and you can drive a yellow School Bus: City Drive be crazy and steer the big yellow bus push on the race very high and drop off the little kids on time and don’t forget to drive carefully and obey the traffic rules because it is also important to obey the traffic rules so stop when there is a red light drive when there is a green light. Have fun around the amazing awesome city watch out for the dangerous obstacles.
You will have to navigate safely through busy streets to get all the kids on time for school while not missing a single stop. It’s not an easy game by any means so it will certainly add to the excitement of finally getting to drive a School Bus: City Drive! YAYY!! Now share it with your friends and family and have a lot of fun by playing it and be the crazy school bus driver you want to be or drive the yellow big bus. Get downloading and get sharing! Here you go kids. ENJOY!
School Bus: City Drive features:
• Big School Buses for you to drive you have to the option to choose.
• 3D City environments with bus stops, schools and realistic traffic
• Simple simulator controls of your choice it depends on you.
• Smooth controls fun gameplay best designs develops and HD effects.
• Different types of school environment with amazing scenery.
• Realistic city traffic school and real massive huge 3D environment.

What's new in School Bus: City Drive 1.3

Cool drive mode !!!
School Bus: City Drive | 10 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.4

Download School Bus: City Drive 1.3 APK

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How to mod School Bus: City Drive patch 1.3 apk for android
How to use School Bus: City Drive unlimited apk
How to mod School Bus: City Drive 1.3 apk
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