ID: com.lackeysoft.release
Version: 3.1.5
Size: 0 Mb
Release Lackey - Signable Docs Screenshots
How to install Release Lackey - Signable Docs apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Release Lackey - Signable Docs Details
NEW VERSION 3.0!My name is Release Lackey and I make the task of preparing documents such as Model Releases, Liability Waivers, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Receipts, and many other relatively simple legal documents, easy and free from the hassle of paper (and help save-a-tree!). I create documents using the standard PDF format so anyone with a computer or smart-phone can read (or print) them.
You select a document template, then I prompt for information needed by the template, I capture necessary signatures by letting you sign directly on your Android's touch-screen using your finger or stylus, you then take a reference photo and up to 4 supplemental photos (like a pic of the person's ID) and I then combine it all to create a PDF file which gets eMailed to those needing a copy as well as to an eMail account you designate as a "Drop Box".
Of course I support the need for guardian signatures for minors, and the option to require a witness also.
Currently I have the following templates built-in: Model Release, Media Recording Release, Property Photographic Release, Photographic Copyright Release, Simple Liability Release, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Bill-Of-Sale, and Promissory Note (I.O.U.)
You can modify or replace the wording of the built-in templates to suit your specific needs or create your own templates from scratch to support virtually any kind of signable paperless document!
My programmer offers FREE support to get you started with the document you want to use.
Optionally, my programmer can fully customize me for YOUR business' mobile document needs. This includes using your corporate color theme, graphics, watermarks, and any additional data fields. Contact him for a reasonable quote... customizing is what Release Lackey is all about!
And please, let my developer know of any questions or suggestions to enhance usability, and certainly if you encounter any problem! He craves user feedback!
Release Lackey currently comes with a 7-day "Usefulness Guarantee" if purchased from the Android Market. Within 7 days, if you decide you would like a refund because Release Lackey doesn't provide a value to you, let my developer know and he will gladly process a refund. (Note that there is also a "Demo" version available now)
What's new in Release Lackey - Signable Docs 3.1.5
v3.1.5 Fixes Galaxy Note 4 PDF creation bug. Minor other changes.v3.1.2 If your device has a front-facing camera it may optionally be used to take a "selfie"
v3.1.0 As requested by users, now you can IMPORT photos from your device into a document.
v3.0 is a huge update that brings a modern Android interface and MANY additional ways to customize templates.
* Customize documents with your own letterhead graphic
* New MULTI-page PDF support allows documents to nicely span more than 1 page!
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