Name: Promotion Sellings Helper.apk
ID: net.gustavodias.promotionsellinghelper
Version: 1.1
Size: 0 Mb
Promotion Sellings Helper Screenshots
How to install Promotion Sellings Helper apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Promotion Sellings Helper Description
Have you ever sold products in promotions and raffles, selling chocolates, pizzas, snacks and other things to help in that so hopeful Graduation from college or high school, or to collect money to be used in some good reason? Much of you surely have already sold them a several times.And to manage your promotions and to take a control of who has paid, for who you have delivered the product, to know how much you earn in total of the promotion in money, how much to receive and how much already received? Probably you have used a notebook and a calculator to help in the control of the collects, and sometimes you make mistake in the calculations.
This application has arrived to make the life easier even of who works with selling of several promotions with several products and sellings, without needing the notebooks and the calculators!
It is an application of control of sellings of promotions, where you can create promotions, with the products for each one, and sellings for each product. Create promotions, create products specifying the prices, create sellings of each one of the products specifying the name of the client buyer, the quantity of items, and if you want, set a special price for that selling, if you want do give a discount for a special friend. Check each selling as paid and as delivered, when the product is already in the hands of the client. You can have a control of how many sellings there are, how many delivered, how many paid, how much total to earn, how much to receive, all of this for a product, the total of all products of a promotion or counting all sellings of all promotions.
Try it! And everything will become easier to do the promotions and see the profit of those promotions of the school!
What's new in Promotion Sellings Helper 1.1
v 1.1Changed on Detailed Infos on sellings count: it now counts the total of units sold, not one per selling. But to count delivered and paid sellings it counts one per selling
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