Name: PrivacyShield.apk
ID: com.webshield.privacyshield
Version: 1.1
Size: 0 Mb
PrivacyShield Screenshots
How to install PrivacyShield apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
PrivacyShield Description
PrivacyShield detects the leakage of your private information by third party applications to outside your device. It provides the detection of leakages of IMEI, IMSI, ICCID, Location, Contacts, and Phone Number.To enable detection, you need to choose the app showed in APP_MANAGER page, tap it and choose shield. Then PrivacyShield will upload it to server and shield it, after a few minutes, mostly 1-2 minute, it will download shielded app automatically. If not, you can click shield again after some time to trigger a manual download. After download, you need to follow the directions to uninstall the original app, and install shielded app. Note that uninstalling the original will delete the data with the original app.You can always go to SHIELDED_APP page to revert it to the original, unshielded app.
Updating an app requires reverting to the original app first.
If you have installed Autocog, another security app developed by our team, the "To Aucotog" button will lead to AutoCog and give you some useful information about apps you have installed.
The installation of shielded apps requires unchecking the setting "Block Installation from Unknown Sources" in Security Settings of the device.
What's new in PrivacyShield 1.1
Download PrivacyShield 1.1 APK
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How to mod PrivacyShield 1.1 apk
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