ID: com.app_lianhin.layout
Version: 4.0.2
Size: 0 Mb
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- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
LH Lian Hin Description
Lian Hin (LH) - Your Preferred Partner for Granite, Marble and Quartz.Have you ever wondered what kind of materials or stone surfaces you can use for your home interiors such as kitchen top, vanity top and so on? Lian Hin (LH) has the answer!
Lian Hin (LH) is an established supplier and fabricator of Granite, Marble and Quartz. Our three sub brands namely LH Granite, LH Quartz and LH Marble, offer a wide selection of granite, quartz and marble to meet your needs - be it kitchen top, counter top, vanity top, flooring, walls or feature wall.
This easy-to-use LH Lian Hin app will share with you three common stone surfaces (Granite, Marble and Quartz) and their unique characteristics; it will also give you ideas on how they can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, etc.
1. Get to know more about Granite, Marble and Quartz and their characteristics and applications (under Comparisons).
2. Get ideas on how Granite, Marble and Quartz can be used in different projects e.g. kitchen tops, vanity tops, flooring, walls and feature walls (under Gallery page).
3. Browse through the different models offered by Lian HIn's LH Granite, LH Quartz and LH Marble (under Catalogues).
4. Download and save the model that you like and show it to your interior designer, contractor or customer.
5. Know the different edge profiles that you can use for your countertops.
6. Get to know the general care and maintenance of stone surfaces like Quartz.
7. Get updates on new models and ideas on new designs.
More about Lian Hin (LH)
Lian Hin (LH) is an established supplier and fabricator of Granite, Marble and Quartz and we have been in operations for more than 20 years. Our company has now three sub brands and they are LH Granite, LH Marble and LH Quartz.
We work closely and build concrete relationships with our clients and business partners. Having our own factory and warehouse in Singapore allows us to handle fabrications, customizations and day-to-day operations with ease.
We aim to create work that is honest and homes that are full of love, familiarity and comfort; homes where families and friends can grow together.
Lian Hin (LH) is not a stranger; we treat every home just like ours - with respect, admiration and love.
What's new in LH Lian Hin 4.0.2
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