ID: com.shadowburst.hatgame
Version: 1.4
Size: 0 Mb
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How to install The Hat Game apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
The Hat Game Description
Break the ice at a party, enjoy an evening with friends, or liven up a family night with The Hat Game: the frantic team game of guessing names that's fun for groups all ages.Shout and mime your way to victory—or be the fastest to guess for your team. This exciting student party game is also known as the Name Game, Lunch-box, or Celebrities. It's a fun alternative to charades at a party or family event, or to board games.
Take The Hat Game anywhere on your phone or tablet, and you'll always be ready for:
★ Getting snowed in with your family
★ A cheap night in with your mates
★ Minding the kids in the school holidays
★ That annoying gap between lectures
★ Breaking the ice at a party
★ Being stuck in a caravan in Wales in the pouring rain
★ 3 am at a LAN party when you want something to do while the computers cool down
☆ Four players or more can play with one phone (works best with up to 12 players).
☆ …or connect another phone with Bluetooth for twice the fun. (Only in the full version!)
☆ Good for getting to know people, and gets better the more you play together.
☆ Fun for all ages: if you can read, you can play. (And even if you can't read, you can join in.)
☆ User interface so sweet your teeth will fall out.
☆ So easy to use, your granny can play too (if she can find her glasses).
☆ Designed specially for Jellybean devices such as Nexus 7 and Galaxy S III, but full-featured on older devices down to Android 2.1.
☆ Designed for handsets and 7in tablets, and looks great on 10in tablets too!
☆ Spice the game up by adding your own forfeits for the losing team. Kids love embarrassing challenges, or for adults it makes a great drinking game.
☆ Concentrate on the game without distracting and privacy-invading ads, or unwanted notifications.
☆ Learn to play with the interactive tutorial, or read the full written instructions if that's how you roll.
If you're not ready to buy the full version yet, play a few games with the free trial version and then come back here to unlock the full power of The Hat Game!
What's new in The Hat Game 1.4
Need to give your team a talking-to after the match? The Hat Game now tracks game stats, so you can see after the game who's the best caller and who should go on the loan list.Get more friends involved in the game by sending them the new free trial. The free version can join (using Bluetooth) a game started in the full version, if both are up to date.
You can now install The Hat Game on internal or external storage.
For more info, see
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