Version: 6.0.1
Size: 0 Mb
GCSE Geography (For Schools) Screen Preview
How to install GCSE Geography (For Schools) apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
GCSE Geography (For Schools) Details
GCSE Geography A: Written by passionate teachers, developed by a team dedicated to transforming GCSE revisionOver 1000 multiple choice questions on key topics, each with an explanatory note. Monitor your progress, share your results on Facebook & Twitter, and access past papers and mark schemes. This self- assessment series is designed to ensure that you have a full understanding of all that you need to know in order to excel in your GCSE exam.
- Revise anywhere, anytime
- Comprehensive content covering the Edexcel, AQA and OCR syllabuses
- Test yourself with over 1000 questions with illustrations and detailed explanations
- Review your answers, find and fill your learning gaps
- Monitor progress with self-assessment graphs
- Access relevant past papers and mark schemes
- Share your results with friends on Facebook and Twitter
Practice makes perfect! Test yourself for just 10 minutes every day and be amazed at how your results can improve.
We aim to consolidate knowledge, further understanding and boost confidence in the lead up to exams. Use this app anytime, anywhere in preparation for your GCSEs. Once downloaded, you can use it offline - simply select the topics appropriate to you, test your knowledge and find where you need to fill the gaps in your learning.
All content is written by qualified key stage 4 teachers and examiners
Revision Buddies apps now connect with teacher dashboards. Set assignments and run class based contests! See our website for more details.
Get in touch to discuss getting your whole class on board with Revision Buddies apps.
Quality content:
This app covers all topics of the Geography A syllabus from the OCR, Edexcel and AQA exam boards and is split into Human and Physical sections:
- Ecosystems
- Ice and Glaciers
- Coasts
- Tectonics and related hazards
- Rivers
- Rocks and resources
- Weather and climate change
- Recycling and Waste
- Settlements/Rural and Urban environments
- Tourism
- Development gap
- Population
- Globalisation/Economy
For more detail on the content of each topic please see our website:
Our author, Scott Williams, is passionate about the subject and has been Head of Geography at an 11-18 comprehensive school based in the Midlands for 4 years. As well as his day to day teaching, he has also moderated exams for AQA. We have worked meticulously to ensure that the content of this app is engaging and true to the requirements across the OCR, Edexcel and AQA exam boards.
All content is owned by and copyright material of Revision Buddies Ltd.
What's new in GCSE Geography (For Schools) 6.0.1
New connected classroom features allowing the app to be used for class assignments and classroom based competitions. Live results can be viewed in a teacher dashboard.Download GCSE Geography (For Schools) 6.0.1 mod APK
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