How to install Be Your Own Boss 2 apk for bluestacks

How to install Be Your Own Boss 2 apk for bluestacks

Be Your Own Boss.apk 2
Name: Be Your Own Boss.apk
ID: byob2.beyourownboss2
Version: 2
Size: 0 Mb

Be Your Own Boss Screen Preview

How to download Be Your Own Boss 2 mod apk for bluestacks
How to download Be Your Own Boss 2 apk for bluestacks
How to get Be Your Own Boss 2 mod apk for bluestacks

How to setup Be Your Own Boss apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Be Your Own Boss Description

It's quite easy, Be Your Own Boss makes money whenever you complete offers, surveys, or other tasks, and then they turn around and pay you a portion of it.

I'd say that the majority of the tasks you are able to complete are free, but there are a few that involve getting money back from a purchase or after using your credit card to enroll in a free trial . Here is an example of a paid trial offer I completed: I signed up to a free trial of Blockbuster (much like Netflix where they send you DVDs in the mail) and I received $11 for it. I canceled my subscription just before the free 30-day trial stopped.

There are numerous tasks that are smaller and pay less - for instance, I signed up for a free sample of liquid fabric softener and got 50 cents. It all adds up. I use an e-mail address for doing the offers which is not my main email address. Basically, you're giving away your contact information for money with these offers, so you can expect to get a lot of email ads.

I like Be Your Own Boss, since you can make money by doing these various tasks while you are watching television.

The Real Money is in Referring New People

You can do surveys and offers until you are blue in the face, but there is obviously a limit to how many you can do within a short period of time. You can find people that do make $100-200 per month just by doing the various tasks offered.

The big money is with referrals, however. The referral program is very robust. Once you start out (and have no referrals), you make 20% of what people you refer make (1st tier), and you also make 10% of anything their referrals earn (2nd tier). As you work your way up, these percentages gradually rise to 30% (1st tier) and 20% (2nd tier).

Naturally, the people you refer need to use Be Your Own Boss for what it was designed for. If you just refer a lot of people you know and they create accounts but don't do any offers or surveys, you're not really going to make anything.

After your account balance gets to $20, Be Your Own Boss sends you your check the next month. After at least one check payment has been sent, you'll have the option to change to being paid via PayPal.

This site won't make you rich, however this is another tool to add to your own collection of online income resources.

For those who have a blog, website or social networking account which has anything to do with making money, saving money, or personal finance, it might be worth introducing Be Your Own Boss to your readers as a way to get some referrals.

What's new in Be Your Own Boss 2

Be Your Own Boss | 4 Reviewers | | Rating: 2

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