Name: E.L. Broady Academy.apk
ID: com.app_boady.layout
Version: 1.0.1
Size: 0 Mb
E.L. Broady Academy Screenshots
How to install E.L. Broady Academy apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
E.L. Broady Academy Details
Welcome to E. L. Broady Academy OnlineE.L. Broady Academy is a non-traditional, online private school that helps individuals earn their high school diploma regardless of age, the number of credits they have, criminal background, or how long an individual has been out of high school.
Many students from E.L. Broady Academy at Orion have found peace of mind with the school’s approach to earning a high school diploma. Students attending E.L Broady Academycan learn at their own pace.
Students don’t find the distractions of traditional schools. Students aren’t burdened with passing standardized state mandated tests. Students also find a supportive staff that seeks to encourage students to take successful steps towards a better future.
"We believe that it’s NEVER too late to graduate."
There are many people who are unsure about what they should do as a career. Sadly, many schools have failed to provide guidance to the vast majority of their students. Thanks to our Career guidance program, E.L. Broady Academy at Orion helps identify the strengths of our students and guides students to information about careers that can change the trajectory of their life.
For our students seeking to go to college or trade school but needing to learn more of what it takes to get there, E.L. Broady Academy staff will give you advice and guidance on how to apply and how to plan for success in your post secondary studies.
Our Founder, Pastor Ricky L. Hooker
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How to mod E.L. Broady Academy 1.0.1 apk
How to get E.L. Broady Academy lastet apk