Name: PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat.apk
ID: com.pgdigital.playmessenger
Version: 2.0.1026
Size: 0 Mb
PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat Screen Preview
How to install PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat Details
PLAYMessenger, the first safe chat app designed specifically for kids, with parents in mind. Kids are given a sense of independence and are able to send text, picture and voice messages to their friends and family, all while parents have peace of mind their children are safe and secure.FEATURES:
Buddies & Chats. Send your best friend, baby sitter, or grandmother a Buddy request. Send text, photo and voice messages to your Buddies...even send them emojis!
MyKIDS. Child accounts are linked to a parent account and managed in the parent’s settings. Parents can monitor their child's activity, chat history, existing buddies and new requests from their own PLAYGround profile.
Trust Mode. Parents can choose the level of oversight they want and personalize it for each child. When Trust mode is OFF all messages and requests require parental approval before they are sent to a child, and when Trust Mode is ON messages and requests are sent directly to the child without parental approval.
Identity verification. Adult users are verified during the registration process to ensure they are who they say they are.
Language filter. Language filters monitor all text messages sent to kids and adults. Parents are alerted when their child has attempted to send another user an inappropriate message, and kids are warned when they have attempted to send an inappropriate message.
PRIVO-Cert® PLAYMessenger is certified under PRIVO-Cert - PRIVO’s Privacy Assurance Certificate. PLAYMessenger adheres to the strict information collection, use and disclosure requirements. PRIVO is an independent, third party organization committed to safeguarding children’s information collected online. PRIVO aims to help parents and their children exercise control over personal information while exploring the Internet..
Also visit or to learn more about the PLAYGround!
By downloading the app you accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Learn more about our policies by visiting
What's new in PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat 2.0.1026
Big Fixes and Improvements.Download PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat 2.0.1026 unlimited APK
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How to download PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat 2.0.1026 apk for bluestacks
How to use PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat unlimited apk
How to mod PLAYMessenger - Kids Safe Chat 2.0.1026 apk
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