Version: 5.1.0
Size: 0 Mb
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How to install Meal Plans Plus apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Meal Plans Plus Description
You need to be a Meal Plans Plus member FIRST to access this app. Visit the Meal Plans Plus website to sign up for a vegan nutrition planning membership! Don't forget to fill out your free assessment form so one of our coaches can get you started right!Begin your journey to a healthier vegan lifestyle and let Meal Plans Plus help you along the way. Introducing Meal Plans Plus' most comprehensive health and fitness platform for vegans with:
* Track your daily fitness activities
* Track your weight and other body metrics
* Over 2000+ exercises and activities
* Clear 3D exercise demonstrations
* Preset workouts and the option to create your own
* Over 150 badges to earn
* Select workouts online and synchronize them with your app to workout at home or in the gym while keeping track of your progress. From strength to weight lifting, this app acts as your own personal trainer guiding and giving you the motivation you need. Also check for many extra tools, such as your personal fitness profile, free nutrition plan, goal setting and much more!
Healthy Plant Based Recipes & Vegan Foods You’ll Love
USDAs entire database of foods to choose from, including plant based recipes, vegan products and foods to create your custom vegan program.
Ability to seamlessly add any food product into your program wherever you are with the app's bar code scanner
Add all your most eaten or preferred vegan food items into your favorites list to easily choose from them when you need to
Daily food diary to stay on track with your macros
Best nutrition and fitness tracking at your fingertips
Your own online and mobile nutrition profile that gets you to set goals, choose from plant based recipes, vegan food items, and manage your macro/ micro nutrients.
Either automatically generates a custom meal plan for you based on your body fat goals, favorite foods, and dietary preferences, or suggests foods to you that fit your macro and micronutrient goals so you can create your own meal plan.
Self adjusting program based on new body composition measurements, goals, weight, preferences and other factors so that you continue to progress.
Workout Creator
Ability to complete your workouts with the help of our mobile app which takes you through each exercise, whether you’re at the gym, outdoors, or home.
Add custom exercises or choose from the huge database of thousands of exercises available to you to create a workout of your own
Choose from our custom designed workouts and add them to your schedule.
Meal Plans Plus Community
The Meal Plans Plus online community wants to get to know you, share their results, knowledge, and experiences. As a member in our online portal and social media pages, you can stay engaged and motivated!
Constant Email Support
We will always stay in touch with you via email to answer any questions you have about your new vegan nutrition plan and workout regimen! We are devoted to helping you get the results you’ve always wanted on this new vegan lifestyle with the tools you’ve always needed!
Personal Fit-Profile and online community support
Basic workout plans, nutrition plans & goals
Track activities & burnt calories
What's new in Meal Plans Plus 5.1.0
Download Meal Plans Plus 5.1.0 APK
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