ID: com.ceraweb.konkanidevotionals
Version: 12.0
Size: 0 Mb
Konkani Devotional Songs Screen Preview
How to install Konkani Devotional Songs apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Konkani Devotional Songs Details
Collection of devotional songs used by konkani speaking christian people on the western part of India.The app has following collection of songs
1. Arga Deta Somya
2. Tum Kallzacha Gondya
3. Uthar Tujem Somiya
4. Somya Kakllut Kar
5. Hanv Bhukellom
6. Somi Mhojo Govlli
7. Jezu Tum Mhujo Raai
8. Jezu Borya Govllya
9. Zoshem Nitoll Zorik
10. Dulob Jezu Mogall
11. Ea Deva Mogala Taroka
12. Sorvesporak Jai Jai
13. Arga Arga Jezu
14. Bapa Ami Ailyav
15. Deva Dayal
16. Dev Mog
17. Jesu
18. Jesu Apoita
19. Jesu Lagi Ulai
20. Jesu Tuzo Mog
21. Jezu Jezu
22. Kaliz Maka De Somya
23. Namo Namo Moriye
24. Novo Upadesh
25. Pavitr Atmya Ye Devon
26. Rodonk Melya
27. Sominch Amche
28. Sontosachi
29. Swadik Rat
30. Tuka Somya Hav
31. Tuka Vandan Karta
32. Upkar Ataita
33. Ye Jesu
34. Yekas Utran
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How to mod Konkani Devotional Songs 12.0 apk
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