ID: com.dzoul.ezreceiptskeepertrial
Version: 1.3.6
Size: 0 Mb
eZ Receipts Keeper (Trial) Screenshots
How to install eZ Receipts Keeper (Trial) apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
eZ Receipts Keeper (Trial) Details
You probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of receipts cluttering your home or office desk. They clog your wallet, shoeboxes and anywhere else you can fit them. When it comes time to budget or do your taxes or do your reimbursement report, how do you ever expect to find them all (if it is not properly organized)?eZ Receipts Keeper is a simple application to capture, store and manage your receipts digitally using your phone. Never worry about lose your receipts again. It might helps you for your future reference.
With simple user interface and not a complicated application, eZ Receipts Keeper can organize your receipts based on your own categories and events. You can always review back your business trip expenses, your big spending household merchandise, your personal receipts, or any receipt you want to keep as a proof of purchase for warranties.
Snap a receipt, input receipt amount and set receipt category - you are done! eZ Receipts Keeper will keep your receipt electronically for future use.
Main Features:
✔ Easy and simple receipts keeper
✔ No registration or internet access required. It is an offline app.
✔ Snap a receipt using your camera or import photos from your photo Gallery
✔ Organize your receipts using folder type method and time period
✔ Easily view your receipts 'folder' history
✔ Ability to store more than one image (for long receipt) in one receipt details record.
✔ Set a reminder (never missed your utility bills payment anymore).
✔ Fast and easy to find your receipt by using Search function (Search Receipt Note)
✔ Generate a nicely formatted PDF file report
✔ Ability to choose which receipts to be included in the report
✔ Easily email yourself a copy of receipts report
✔ Add and manage your own receipts categories
✔ Backup and restore data to/from phone's storage and DropBox
What's new in eZ Receipts Keeper (Trial) 1.3.6
Version 1.3.6- Notify Overdue Reminder on boot.
Version 1.3.5
- Tablet optimization (enhance UI for tablets).
- Android M ready.
- bug fixes.
Version 1.3.3
- Set a reminder to receipt - never missed your utility bills payment anymore.
- Add 'List of Reminders' into application Menu.
- Alert on overdue reminders.
- Require 2 additional Permissions (run at startup permission is just to check reminders, app will close after that).
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How to mod eZ Receipts Keeper (Trial) 1.3.6 apk
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