ID: questiz.yonatankarp.emmasinferno
Size: 0 Mb
Emma's Inferno Adventure Game Screenshots
How to install Emma's Inferno Adventure Game apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Emma's Inferno Adventure Game Details
EMMA'S INFERNOFollowing her untimely death, Emma finds herself inexplicably in Hell.
EMMA'S INFERNO is an adventure / platformer game in which the player advances through the circles of HELL to investigate the reason for the main character's verdict.
an atmospheric puzzle-platformer game, story based with quest elements.
unique and engaging artistic style which blends in synergy with the music and background.
The game welcomes us to HELL and the surroundings are based on the various sins with a light modern twist on ancient themes.
EMMA searches for SATAN with the question as to why she is there always on her mind, through the stages she is forced to make the decision between morality and injustice.
All along dodging, jumping and making her way through different obstacles to reach her goal.
Made with love and passion for classics this game was made for and by lovers of puzzle games and is always challenging yet rewarding.
- unique visual design
- moody sound and music
- intuitive touch controls
- beautiful dynamic environments constantly challenging
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What's new in Emma's Inferno Adventure Game
- Fixed in Gluttony that did not enable climb the ladderDownload Emma's Inferno Adventure Game patch APK
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