ID: com.jenabe.cuyswipe
Version: 1.4
Size: 0 Mb
Cuy Swipe Screen Preview
How to install Cuy Swipe apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Cuy Swipe Details
Wild cuys (Guinea Pigs) are natives from Andes mountains located in Peru. The Andes mountains soar 6000 meters above sea level. Small cuys fight to find small leaves and grass to survive. However, cuys love to eat an ancient leaf with magical powers that gives them strength and virtue to survive in cold weather: Coca leafs.WOULD YOU HELP SMALL CUYS TO SURVIVE?
- Eat coca leafs!
- Avoid snow balls!
The game is easy to play:
- Swipe to the right, left, up and down to move.
Challenge your friends to score more than you!
What's new in Cuy Swipe 1.4
Wild cuys (Guinea Pigs) are natives from Andes mountains located in Peru. The Andes mountains soar 6000 meters above sea level. Small cuys fight to find small leaves and grass to survive. However, cuys love to eat an ancient leaf with magical powers that gives them strength and virtue to survive in cold weather: Coca leafs.WOULD YOU HELP SMALL CUYS TO SURVIVE?
The game is easy to play:
- Swipe to the right, left, up and down to move.
Challenge your friends to score more than you!
Download Cuy Swipe lastet APK
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How to mod Cuy Swipe patch 1.4 apk for pc
How to use Cuy Swipe unlimited apk
How to mod Cuy Swipe 1.4 apk
How to get Cuy Swipe unlimited apk