Name: Climap - Client Manager.apk
ID: com.appstyle.clientmanagement
Version: 1.1.9
Size: 0 Mb
Climap - Client Manager Screenshots
How to install Climap - Client Manager apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Climap - Client Manager Details
CLIMAP is a First Dynamic Client Management Partner application which overall help user to efficiently and dynamically keep track with all types client’s important data / information. It allows user to customize their desired way of keeping and handling client’s data in the most organized style.If you are a business based employer, businessman, insurance agent, teacher, lecturer, engineer and no matter what group you belong to be, CLIMAP can provide you with the most dynamic way of handling and keeping your client/customer in the most vital position way of tracking their information. This app lets you create and customize your own template form, create category group, and gather all your clients in one specific group to make everything organized.
✔Provide you with the most dynamic template customization function which lets you to customize your own desired template form according to the related specifications.
✔Form a specific classification group.
✔Create clients which will be later saved in a group for categorization purpose.
✔Template input fields available such as text field, image field, radio button field, checkbox field, date picker field, email field, and contact field.
✔The text field allows you to key in text or any information.
✔You radio button and checkbox field provide you with multiple choice selection where radio button only allow you to choose one out of many while checkbox field will allow you to select more than one choices.
✔The contact field will keep the contact number the clients for you the keep in touch with them using phone call or IM Messenger such as Whatsapp, Viber, Line, and etc.
✔The email field will help to keep the email address of your clients for you to contact or inform your client by sending email.
✔The date picker field will allow you to set reminder notes or alarm related to the date which has been picked. It’s pretty good when you need a notification of something about your clients.
✔The image field will help you to keep whatever photos including personal photos, client’s photo, and any type of photo as well as a captured documents which user need to store inside the client.
✔A search function is available for you to faster obtain your saved templates, groups and clients.
✔Besides of creating clients, you can even treat this as a way to store or create you own template forms to keep any data and group them and this is specifically for students too.
✔The data or information that you can save or keep in the overall template customization are as follows: i) Photos, ii) Captured Documents, iii) Typed Notes, iv) Reminder Notes , v) Email References ,vi) Contact References
✔There is a full tutorial guide within the application. Please follow the guide to best utilize this app by going to the menu and select getting started.
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What's new in Climap - Client Manager 1.1.9
Version 1.1.8- fixed the issue of multiple check boxes field
Download Climap - Client Manager patch 1.1.9 APK
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How to install Climap - Client Manager 1.1.9 unlimited apk for android
How to use Climap - Client Manager unlimited apk
How to mod Climap - Client Manager 1.1.9 apk
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