Name: Nestob.apk
Version: 4.0
Size: 0 Mb
Nestob Screenshots
How to install Nestob apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Nestob Description
Use NESTOB to discover, browse and bookmark the most popular websites everywhere in the world. With Nestob, you gain access to new and exciting information you simply may not find on your own or with search engines. Not only can you browse these sites; you can also bookmark them and do lots of cool and exciting stuff with these bookmarks. For example you can read the feeds of any bookmarked sites that support rss; so that you quickly get a preview of all the latest without loading the full site (thus saving your bandwidth). Additionally, you can have Nestob automatically notify you of new content from your favorite websites; so that you can stay on top of the news for example. As a bonus, Nestob includes facilities for managing all the bookmarks on your device, irrespective of the consuming apps. And it's free; so there is no good reason to reject this app.Nestob helps you
� Discover, browse and bookmark the most popular websites most relevant to you in the world
� Discover, browse and bookmark other great sites for information, entertainment or work
� Read the rss feeds on your favourite websites or anywhere you choose
� Get timely notifications about the latest from your favorite websites
� Manage all your mobile bookmarks in one place
� See the alexa page rank and other statistics of the many websites you discover
� Migrate from one browser to another without losing your stuff
� Emulate mobile apps for your favourite websites
� Search multiple great sites from one page (Pigeon homepage)
� Do other cool stuff I have forgotten to mention here
Nestob comprises a bunch of components that work in tandem to help you discover, browse and retain the best of the clouds. There are now four components: Hawk, Ostrich, Parrot and Pigeon.
Hawk presents you a listing of the most popular websites in your country (or any one you wish) or your niche; so that you will find great information that is relevant to you or your purpose at any given time. It will, as a bonus, expose you to all the latest trends online.
Ostrich will hold all of your favorite websites in one place no matter the app that fetches or loads them. So you can switch from opera to Firefox or Firefox to chrome without losing all of your favorite places for instance. But this was just the starting concept. Ostrich is also the centerpiece and control panel of Nestob. With Ostrich you can manage all the bookmarks and bookmark folders and do a lot of cool stuff with them.
Parrot is the latest component added. It is a feed reader that can directly read rss feeds or alternatively search a site (namely your bookmarks) for rss feeds directly. But it does more; it sends you notifications at intervals and quantities you choose; so that you can make Nestob bring all the information you love or need from the clouds right down to your doorstep.
Pigeon is a little browser to help out if you don't have or prefer the better ones. But it is a very capable browser, which also allows you to branch out to any other whenever you choose or need to. With Pigeon, you are never locked-in somewhere on your device.
All the components are top-loaded with great features that could revolutionize your web browsing. This is a great app to try, use and share.
What's new in Nestob 4.0
Added Parrot; which is a component for viewing bookmark feeds and also sending notificationsRemoved disruptive banner ads
Improved the GUI
Greatly enhanced existing components
Bug fixes
And so on...
Download Nestob 4.0 APK
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