ID: com.lnsel.event.manya
Version: 1.2
Size: 0 Mb
Manya Janmotsav Screen Preview
How to install Manya Janmotsav apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Manya Janmotsav Details
Manya Janmotsav is a customized event app designed especially for the birthday celebration of Manya, the little angel. This app acts as an invitation to all guests invited. User has a new experience of the innovative ideas used in the app. It is an enjoyable experience to view the event schedules, sync the dates with your Google calendar, event location marked on Google map for navigation. Share and upload multiple photos, view videos, like/comment on them to stay connected with friends and family. There’s provision to book your journey in case you have to travel. The app will allow you to set up a connection to the event managers who look after all your requirement during the entire stay. A lot more to do in this section like user - manager chat sections for all your queries, direct calling facilities etc.The story section tells more about baby Manya and her family. The profile edit will let you set your own identity. The app also has nice unique facility to share this app with more members with just entry of your friend’s name and phone.
There’s a lot to do with this app. Come join us!
What's new in Manya Janmotsav 1.2
Fixed bugs of the previous versionDownload Manya Janmotsav 1.2 mod APK
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How to mod Manya Janmotsav 1.2 apk
How to get Manya Janmotsav unlimited apk