ID: com.tranware.hamptons
Version: 2.1.1
Size: 0 Mb
Hamptons Taxi Screen Preview
How to install Hamptons Taxi apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Hamptons Taxi Details
Taxi hailing and tracking for the Hamptons.Always Prompt and Professional, large groups welcome, credit cards accepted.
Hamptons Taxi is the easy yet powerful taxi app. It's safe, legal and FREE. Used by taxi riders like you, and built by a trusted taxi solutions company with almost 20 years of experience.
- The underlying NexTaxi engine works in over 50 U.S. & Canadian markets
- Gets you easy access to legit cabs - at home or away - in a couple of taps
- Order, track and pay for the closest cab - by cash, or in-app by card
- Your car comes from a Hamptons Taxi - affiliated taxi company - no 'rogue driver' security risks
- Hamptons Taxi does NOT add fare mark-ups, premiums, fees, or forced gratuities - the fare comes from the meter
Hamptons Taxi: Easy, but powerful:
- Request your taxi by entering an address, moving a pin on a map, using your GPS location, grabbing an address from your 'contacts', or searching for a local "Point of Interest" like 'Pizza' or 'Hospital'
- Create a list of your 'favorite' trips for 'one touch' requests
- Watch your Taxi via GPS, as it approaches your location - no more waiting and wondering.
- Pay the fare securely and quickly using any of your credit cards, an account card, and many student cards
- Get a detailed receipt by email in seconds
Visit, and like us on Facebook at
What's new in Hamptons Taxi 2.1.1
Download Hamptons Taxi 2.1.1 unlimited APK
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