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How to install Bolton Castle Official App apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Bolton Castle Official App Details
Bolton Castle is one of the country’s best preserved medieval castles; originally built as one of the finest and most luxurious homes in the land, the castle bears the scars of over 600 years of fascinating history. The castle is still in the private ownership of Lord Bolton, the direct descendant of the castle’s original owner Sir Richard le Scrope.The castle is now brought to life with our new phone application, available on Android and Apple iPhone platforms. Consisting of an immersive guided tour of the castle, including images, maps, text and audio where you will meet the various characters who once called this place home. Also included is an introduction video which features a 3D recreation of the castle, as it looked when first completed in 1399.
There are three tours available. There are separate tours for adults and children, however both follow the same route so it is suitable to families to progress together. The children's tour also features a quiz with questions to answer along the way. The third tour contains extra information about the castle's most famous resident, Mary Queen of Scots, who was imprisoned here in the time of Elizabeth I.
On the lower levels, you will be visiting the range of rooms and meeting the servants and stewards responsible for the smooth running of the castle, as well as visiting the spooky dungeon! . Further up, you will meet the monks in the chapel, and explore the solar, nursery and great chamber. You will then ascend one of the 4 towers to explore the private chambers of Lord Scrope, and continue to the roof to discover the spectacular views over the surrounding countryside. Finally, you are invited to explore the gardens of the castle, where you will discover a maze, vineyard, rose garden, herb garden and the birds weathering ground where you can meet all of the birds of prey.
Please note that the tour requires a large media download following installation (around 50MB). Please ensure you have adequate free space on your phone. There is free WIFI available at the castle shop where you can purchase the app and download the media content if required, however for your convenience it is suggested that, if possible, you download the content before your visit.
Please Check our website for opening times before your visit!
The Bolton Castle Official App was created by History2Go, for more details please visit
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