Name: Bhojaldham.apk
ID: b1.b4
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb
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Bhojaldham Details
This is the land where Dwarkadhish(Lord Krishna) himself appeared before Bhojalrambapa.Whom Dwarkadhish offered prints of counch shell,wheel,mace and lotus on both the hands.This is the land where Jalarambapa had spend most of time of life in devotion and Sadhana. As a result of guru, he started sadawrat (daily distribution of food to the mendicants)in Virpur by blessing of Sadguru.It is well/known in world wide.
This is the land where Bhojalrambapa had made religious rites (Sadhana)upto 40 years.
In the village Fattepur, the room of the first hermitage was built on the land of Bhojaldham by Sadguru Bhojalrambapa, Jalarambapa and Valambapa themselves. It is a very sacred land where monuments as a turban,a rosary and kankupagala of Bhojalrambapa are worshipped.The holy place of Bhojabapa has been well known as ‘Bhojaldham’ is the place of pilgrimage for the people of all religions and for all castes.
A glorious spire temple willbe built on this holy land.In this temple the celestial idols of Bhojalrambapa and his two powerful disciples Jalarambapa and Valamrambapa will be reputed in this temple.Moreover,Ram temple the idol of Hanumanji,Radha Krishna and Shiv Panchayat,Suryanarayan and Randalmata will be reputed.
1) app for to converting english to gujarati
2) app for to converting english to hindi
3) app for to read bhojaldham jyot
4) app for to read all news papers
5) app for to get whether
6) app for to share gujarti word
7) app for to share hindi word
8) app for to know fact of bhojalram
9) app for to download wallpaper,ringtone, mp3 song , video song of bhojalram
10) app for to get good idea for to live better LIFE
11) (1)Literature of Bhojalrambapa (2) Chabkha of Bhojabhagat (3)Biographyof Bhojalrambapa. (4)The articles about festivals (5)The articles informing Aurvedic medicine (6)Religious Bhajans(7)Sermous of the Saints(8)Articles for refining children are published in this magazine “Bhojalram Jyot.
12) the statue(murti) of bhojalrambapa is now at almost in all village
And also in famoua temple like patel samaj khodaldham And lohana samaj jalaram temple
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