ID: rd.ff8
Version: 1.02
Size: 0 Mb
ff8 item search Screenshots
How to install ff8 item search apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
ff8 item search Details
this program is similar in function to my ffx version. with this program you can type the name of an item, magic, card, enemy and it will tell you info about it.for enemies it will list the magic you can draw, items you can mug or get from drops
for magic it will tell you the various ways to get the magic, item refines or drawing
for items it will tell you what the item refines to
for cards it will tell you what the card refines too
you can do normal and reverse searches and if you click on a result, it will than search for that.
for example:
if you type adamantoise it will list the items and magic you get from it, if you click blizzard on the list it will than search blizzard and shows you it can also be created with 1 m-stone piece with ice mag rf and will also list all the enemies you can draw blizzard from
added a weapon upgrade guide to version 1.02, you can search with an item used in the weapon or type the weapon name or can type the characters name to list all their weapons, when items needed for weapon are shown you can click the item to link to the item database to tell how to get the item for the weapon.
you can use back button to go back one search level.
What's new in ff8 item search 1.02
weapon upgrade guide is now in the program for about half of the characters, you can search by item used in weapon, the weapon name or the characters name to display all their weapons. currently the database has weapon data for squall, rinoa and zell, the rest will be added very soonDownload ff8 item search 1.02 unlimited APK
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How to install ff8 item search 1.02 mod apk for laptop
How to use ff8 item search mod apk
How to mod ff8 item search 1.02 apk
How to get ff8 item search mod apk