How to install Customizable Memory 1.0 apk for bluestacks

How to install Customizable Memory 1.0 apk for bluestacks

Customizable Memory.apk 1.0
Name: Customizable Memory.apk
ID: net.anotherkind.memory
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb

Customizable Memory Screen Preview

How to install Customizable Memory 1.0 apk for bluestacks
How to mod Customizable Memory 1.0 mod apk for pc
How to get Customizable Memory 1.0 mod apk for bluestacks

How to install Customizable Memory apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Customizable Memory Description

The little ones can play with as little as 6 cards and the bigger ones with up to 32 cards, with 4 settings in between (8, 12, 18 and 24).

Beside the 4 included themes, you can create your own themes and cards easily by taking pictures with your device. Your kids will never get tired of discovering their favorite toys, friends or family members every time they hit a card!
A trip to the zoo or a birthday party will make perfect opportunities to create new themes that will remind your kids of good times.
And preschool teachers will be able to create themes to match the subject they're covering in class at any given time.
Oh, and you have a choice of 5 nice and colored card backs to match your kids tastes!

To provide the safest environment for you kid and for your peace of mind, there are no ads, no in-app purchases, no pop-ups promoting other games. No internet connection is required as we don't collect any data.
For the little ones, you can configure the game to skip the menu and launch a game immediately with your predefined settings. The menu button requires a sliding motion so that it's not hit by accident in the middle of a game.

Alongside funny sound effects and cheering when a game is finished, we've composed and produced 5 instrumental tracks spanning different styles, from jazzy to funky, because we think kids can appreciate other things than the usual kiddie music they usually hear.
And you can turn off the music or the sound altogether at any time during a game if you'd rather listen to the sound of silence.

We've conceived the game to run on both smartphone and tablet so you can let your kids play on your phone while waiting in a doctor's office or on a tablet at home.

- play with 6 to 32 cards
- 4 included themes plus up to 7 custom themes at a time
- 5 card backs
- no ads, no in-app purchases, no pop-ups promoting other apps
- no internet connection required, no data collected
- supports both tablet and smartphone
- supports English, French and Dutch (if your device uses another language, the game will run in English)

Airborne Kid makes quality games for kids because kids are awesome and games are too.

Check out our website and follow us on Twitter for more info on our current and upcoming games.

And if you like our game, please write a quick review and spread the word so we can make a lot more!

What's new in Customizable Memory 1.0

Customizable Memory | 4 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.8

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How to install Customizable Memory 1.0 unlimited apk for pc
How to use Customizable Memory mod apk
How to mod Customizable Memory 1.0 apk
How to get Customizable Memory unlimited apk

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