How to download Vicario 1.0 unlimited apk for bluestacks

How to download Vicario 1.0 unlimited apk for bluestacks

Vicario.apk 1.0
Name: Vicario.apk
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb

Vicario Screen Preview

How to install Vicario 1.0 unlimited apk for android
How to get Vicario 1.0 apk for android
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How to setup Vicario apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Vicario Description

Vicario is an Android application that provides remote access to your device.
The device is managed via email.
In other words, you write a mail with commands for the app and the app performs them
in the specified sequence.
Vicario can:
- display information about the device;
- determine its location;
- call any number;
- forward incoming calls to another phone;
- send SMS messages to any number;
- duplicate incoming SMS messages to another phone or email;
- change the password for locking the device;
- lock the screen at a set time;
- save email attachments in a specified file;
- send a list of all contacts on the device;
- add contacts;

it also takes up hardly any space, does not ask unnecessary questions during installation and
when working and also does what you want from it. But not all at once :)

Let's not make any hasty conclusions:
- Mail servers can be very overloaded and don't always process mail promptly. Our tests show that
there were instances when an email sent to us by the application (as well as by us to the application)
arrived 8-10 minutes later. But this did not stop an email sent later arriving instantly.
- Sometimes the app in determining the coordinates cannot determine the email address. This is not a bug
in the application. It is because of a bug in the Android service. In this case, restarting
the device can help, if you have it to hand. In any case it is nothing to worry about
as you have the coordinates and any map will tell you the email address.
- There are also errors in determining location. But, again, this is due to the
OS services and devices in the application's arsenal.

About settings:

Fields that MUST be filled in:
Address of email with commands - the address where VICARIO will look for the email with commands.
Password - the password for this email. (You can create a separate mail box for it,
although it won't cause problems for your existing box).
Email subject - the subject of the email containing the VICARIO commands.
It will ignore other emails.

After completing these fields, try and check the settings by pressing the appropriate button.
If there are any problems, you will see a message.

VICARIO will probably determine the IMAP and SMTP settings itself (the server address and port).
Check these settings if connection failed at the first attempt.
They can be found in your email.

IMAP server - the server the application will access to retrieve emails.
IMAP port - this server's port.
SMTP server - the server the application will use to send replies.
SMTP port - this server's port.
Host address - the address reports will be sent to (by default, this is the same address as the address of the email with commands).
You can also choose the folder for saving files, sent to the device with the appropriate command.

One more important point: You have to remember the HELP command or, at least, that an email that doesn't contain
any commands (just like a blank email) gives the same result as the HELP command,
a list of supported commands.

Please, rate the app.
Enjoy the app.

What's new in Vicario 1.0

Vicario | 1 Reviewers | | Rating: 4

Download Vicario 1.0 mod APK

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