Version: 2015
Size: 0 Mb
Taxicel Taxista Screenshots
How to install Taxicel Taxista apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Taxicel Taxista Details
Taxicel is the first online community that facilitates to official Taxi Drivers, the development of their businesses by incorporating the latest technologies of Internet and SmartPhones.It’s a members only community, that can be joined by reference of existing members, allowing you a better and smarter utilization of your Taxi car, with greater security and higher profits.
If you’re a Taxi driver holding an official Taxi License, you can be part of Taxicel’s community and be able to enter the Internet world, promoting your services and achieving more trips, with less millage and with no FIXED costs.
Your referred passengers are associated to your account as godfather, allowing you to generate a passive income with their trips on other Taxis from the community.
By registering with the community, we assigns you a unique identification code of your service. With that number you will be able to promote your services to passengers and have your own virtual reception office on Internet, so you will start to get trips (+Viajes) directly to your phone with all the benefits of this modern way of work, much more efficient and with less costs for you.
Taxicel is an Internet platform, for members only (by Reference). That means that only those Taxi Drivers and Passengers that were referred by an existing member of the community could sign in.
Taxicel’s community enables you to create your own virtual customer list by associating them to your user profile.
When these passengers take their trips within the community, they generate to you (as your referrals) a passive income of 2.5% of each trip they made. That passive income is a great complement of your regular income, moderating eventual impacts from unexpected issues that can hinders your ability to work (such as a crash, vacations, etc.) giving you more stability and calm.
You’ll work more relaxed and safer, as all the members of the community are appropriately identified and our reputation system allows knowing the references of each person, helping to maintain our community healthier and safer.
Working in community helps you to get the most out of your day and reduce your car’s wearing down.
Also, your referred passengers will earn points for each trip, enabling them to obtain benefits for themselves, generating fidelity and increasing the system’s usage. So it’s a WIN-WIN for all.
Download the free APP TODAY here on Google Play and start to obtain more trips (+Viajes), work safer (+Seguro) and become part of the community that allows you to WIN more (+Ganás).
What's new in Taxicel Taxista 2015
Route display for advertised trip so Driver can estimate convenience.Integration with SMS for easy communication with Passenger.
Dynamic Route via GPS with Waze and Google Maps integration.
One click call to Passenger option. Improved floating menues.
Added help button to communicate with Taxicel. Bug fixes V19
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