Name: Reloading Ballistics.apk
ID: xplat.reloadballistics
Version: Varies with device
Size: -1 Mb
Reloading Ballistics Screen Preview
How to install Reloading Ballistics apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Reloading Ballistics Details
Updated for ICS.This application is an easy to use recipe manager for the reloading enthusiast. Its database interface allows the user to store all the information he needs to complete any reloading task. A recipe consists of a round, a bullet, powder, and grains of powder and can be cross-referenced against various guns that chamber the round. Additional vital information, such as pressure and velocity, can be saved for the recipe/gun combination.
Clicking on a spinner (drop-down box) will bring up a predefined list of items (recipes, rounds, bullets, etc.), allowing the user to select an item or add a new one. If an item is already selected, long-clicking the spinner will open an edit window so the user can change the information stored for that item.
Change Log
3.0.5 - Fix to content provider for data pack installation
3.0.4 - Added Notes field and layout changes for smaller screen sizes
3.0.2 - Database Update
3.0.1 - Fix for round spinner
3.0.0 - ICS Release
2.3.9 - Added tutorial description explaining meaning of # symbol in the round list. This symbol indicates a pistol or handgun round
2.3.8 - Fixed bugs in tutorial and front ads screens
2.3.0 - Introduction of splash screen
2.2.0 - Added purchasable data packs to the round spinner
2.1.0 - Database interface for downloadable data packs
2.0.0 - New grains seek bar and recipe summary screen
1.2.3 - Fix for Orientation change
1.2.2 - Fix to landscape tutorial
1.2.1 - Tutorial set to open on initial start up
1.2.0 - New tutorial added to options menu
1.1.3 - Minor user interface updates
Added icons to menus
1.1 - Added "Save as" and cancel warnings
1.0 - Initial version
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What's new in Reloading Ballistics Varies with device
ICS ReleaseDon't forget that our reloading data packs are now available for purchase through the round spinner and our developer market page.
Version 3.0.4 - A notes field has been added to the recipe edit screen. This allows the use to save comments specific to a recipe.
Download Reloading Ballistics Varies with device APK
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