How to download Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 4.0 unlimited apk for bluestacks

How to download Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 4.0 unlimited apk for bluestacks

Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0.apk 4.0
Name: Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0.apk
ID: com.stickyspotmedia.playbettergolfhypnosis
Version: 4.0
Size: 0 Mb

Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 Screenshots

How to mod Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 lastet apk for android
How to download Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 4.0 apk for android
How to get Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 lastet apk for bluestacks

How to install Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 Details

Not everyone can be Tiger Woods.

However, with these techniques I guarantee that your golf game will improve beyond your wildest imagination!

Imagine being able to play golf to your full true potential.

Imagine eliminating fear and doubt.

Imagine being able to enter “The Zone” at will.

Imagine being able to drive the ball consistently with distance and accuracy.

Imagine being able to recover effectively from a rough or bunker shot time after time.

Imagine being able to sink those long putts again and again.

It’s no secret that positive mental attitude goes a long way to helping any athletes achieve their goals. However, positive thinking is not enough. You need some practical techniques that you can use as and when you need to.

With my new powerful “Improve Your Golf” Hypnosis Program you will have in your arsenal a whole host of techniques which will supercharge your game.

Now…I know what you’re saying … “I’ve heard this all before”…and maybe you have. But, be in no doubt…this program is NOT about New Age positive thinking.

Unlike other programs, this program is about giving you practical mental techniques to help you tackle the sticking zones in your game and create subconscious triggers that will allow you to play your game naturally and easily.

This program will:-

Teach you how to “see” the perfect drive and link it to your muscle memory for increased success.

Create a trigger which will allow you to relax instantly as you approach your tee shot.

Give you an automatic grip which will take your drive further than ever before.

Sink more putts than ever before with the bulls-eye technique.

Enter “the Zone” at will during your game.

Naturally gain focus and confidence on the course.

Remove the subconscious blocks that hinder your progress.

Create a new winning belief system.

Tap into powerful resources and anchor it to your positive state.

Have you ever been in the “zone” where you have hit the perfect swing 2 or 3 times in a row?

If you’ve done it once, you can do it again!

You see, that perfect swing is already encoded into your muscle memory, all you need to do is to recall it whenever you need it.

This is where hypnosis really helps.

Remember, the real improvement comes from the inside out.

It really doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or a well seasoned pro…my “Improve Your Golf” Hypnosis Program really can help you to achieve super golf success!

Don't just trust us, read what some of our recent customers had to say:-

"I took a sceptical punt, but was very surprised at the positive effect after just 1 session"
Nathan from Somerset, UK

"Having used the CD just twice there was a significant improvement to my game and I shot the best round I had managed in months. I found that my concentration was better and my self belief greatly improved. With golf being such a mind game being able to picture the shot and believe you are going to make it has real tangible benefit.

I would highly recommend this product to golfers of all standards, whilst practice and lessons are key having the added advantage of a clear mind, concentration and self belief will make a huge difference ."
A very satisfied customer - John
from Portsmouth, UK

Handicap down already. CD or placebo - who knows - I'll take it either way :)
Spencer, Wiltshire, UK

Version 3.0

* Fully optimised single screen operation.
* Now sizes to screen for use with all smartphones and tablets.
* Optimised audio levels for enhanced headphone listening.

What's new in Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 4.0

In Version 4.0 the phone is prevented from going into sleep mode during play to resolve the issue of the audio shutting off.
Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 | -1 Reviewers | | Rating: 0

Download Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 4.0 unlimited APK

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How to mod Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 4.0 apk
How to get Play Better Golf Hypnosis 3.0 unlimited apk

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