ID: co.geeta.nrt6
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb
Maa Sherawali (Bhajans) Screen Preview
How to install Maa Sherawali (Bhajans) apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Maa Sherawali (Bhajans) Description
The Devi “Puranas” state that “Durga” is the warrior manifestation of Goddess Adishakti. Durga; means the Invincible One. Therefore, Goddess Adishakti (Maa Durga) is the Divine Mother of the Universe who had taken birth on Earth as Parvati to win and woo Shiva. Lalita Sahasranamam bestows “Durga” as a name of her indicating that Lalita is none other than a form of Maa Adishakti Parvati.“Durga” is the supreme soul, otherwise called Shakti. As such, she is the original cause of all the present or past worldly occurrences. From Durga, all phenomenon of creation, existence and destruction is generated - through the emergence of two triads of Supreme Powers.
“Maa Sherawali” App Features :-
* Very easy interface
* Maa Sherawali (Maa Durga Bhajans) in mp3 format
* Maa Sherawali (Maa Durga Bhajans) can be downloaded in mp3 format .
* Absolutely free App of Maa Sherawali (Maa Durga Bhajans).
* Maa Sherawali (Maa Durga Bhajans) can be set as phone, sms or alarm ringtone.
* Inbuilt mp3 player for hassle free listening with repeat and shuffle option.
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