ID: com.iodesignclub.mumbai
Version: 3.0.0
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Jobs in Mumbai (Bombay), India Screenshots
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Jobs in Mumbai (Bombay), India Details
NEW JOB OPENINGS EVERY DAY IN MUMBAI (BOMBAY), INDIAFind millions of jobs from thousands of company web sites, job boards and newspapers in Mumbai, just one search.
If you are looking for a new job or want to have a better position, you can discover new employment opportunities that will help you out to get that higher position you are looking for.
White the app Jobs in Mumbai you can find the best vacancies for you; also you can filter the query by categories. Our powerful and intelligent jobsearch allow us to offer you the best jobs matches in Mumbai.
After you have found that job you were looking for, you can apply easily through our app and share the job offer.
Whether you are looking for a job online, freelance, lawyer, engineer, administration, doctor etc.
Search hundreds of job boards at once to find the best match just for you. Your next job will be found through Jobs in Mumbai app.
Mumbai has traditionally owed its prosperity largely to its textile mills and its seaport till the 1980s. These are now increasingly being replaced by industries employing more skilled labour such as engineering, diamond polishing, healthcare and information technology. Mumbai is also the primary financial centre for India, both the major Indian stock exchanges (BSE and The National Stock Exchange), brokerages, asset management companies (including majority of the mutual fund companies), headquarters of most Indian state-owned and commercial banks, as well as the financial & monetary regulatory authorities of India (SEBI and RBI among other institutions).
As Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra, government employees make up a large percentage of the city's workforce. Mumbai also has a large unskilled and semi-skilled labour population, who primarily earn their livelihood as hawkers, taxi drivers, mechanics and other such proletarian professions. The port and shipping industry too employs many residents directly and indirectly. Like most metropolitan cities, Mumbai also has a large influx of people from rural areas looking for employment.
The entertainment industry is the other major employer in Mumbai. Most of India's television and satellite networks are located in Mumbai, as well as the major publishing houses. A large number of the Hindi and English television shows are produced in Mumbai. The Hindi movie industry, known by some as Bollywood, is also located in Mumbai, along with the largest studios and production houses. To add to this, most major advertising companies operating in India also have their primary office in Mumbai.
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