Name: Hazard Scout.apk
ID: app.hazardscout
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb
Hazard Scout Screen Preview
How to install Hazard Scout apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Hazard Scout Description
HazardScout is a safety management system designed to foresee and control hazards associated with workplace safety and performance. A system designed to strategically ensure the integrity of employees, equipment and processes.TOP HAZARD SCOUT APP FEATURES
- Submit Reports Offline
- Download Resources for Offline Viewing
- Receive Push Notifications from the Hazard Scout website
- Scan Hazard Scout QR Codes for Employees & Equipment
Contact your safety advisor at your company. They will provide you a username and password.
To setup a HazardScout account for your company, please visit:
Observation & Near Miss Reporting
There is a great amount of time, cost and efficiency lost in the “paper to person” reporting requirements. However, you can’t change what you don’t measure; which makes accurate and timely reporting critical to awareness and prevention of incidents.
Hazard Scout can streamline reporting by making the collection and management of reports easy and intuitive. Submit reports and add photos and videos in the field… all from your smart phone or tablet.
Instant Analysis
Past performance and current circumstance identify areas of improvement and vulnerabilities in the work environment. These become indicators to track, trend, and communicate prevention strategies to avoid future mishaps.
Hazard Scout provides instant data analysis, including trends, graphs, and summary reports for real-time awareness of existing conditions and areas in need of improvement.
Mentorship is a valuable tool used to build an effective and diverse organization, and ensure all employees are given the opportunity to succeed.
Hazard Scout organizes Short Service Employee identification, training and supervision in order to successfully graduate into an experienced employee.
Employee Fitness
The management of key employee information, assurance of competencies, training details, safety documentation, and job performance data is challenging for administrators.
Hazard Scout streamlines this process and manages each element within an individualized employee profile, proactively ensuring internal accessibility and compliance.
Training Verification
For safe and efficient operations, it is important an employee maintains the appropriate competency for the tasks they perform.
Hazard Scout tracks all trainings and renewal periods for each employee. Stay compliant with this is powerful module that can simplify the process, confirm training, and communicate needs directly with employees, mentors and supervisors.
Task Driven Processes
Keeping up with schedules, job tasks, safety documentation and general recordkeeping can be a struggle.
Hazard Scout can systemize the safety and compliance requirements… including training needs, reports, evaluations and equipment inspections. An Open Task list allows specified employees to issue, receive, and confirm completion of tasks that need attention.
Communication is paramount to the success of any organization, but how can you confirm the message was delivered accurately and on time?
Hazard Scout forwards messages to each employee, or a specific group, and can verify receipt and comprehension.
Equipment Fitness
The health and condition of tools and equipment is critical to the success and safety of any job.
Hazard Scout automatically schedules inspections of tools and equipment… and documents the results.
Safety Resources
Up-to-date processes, policy, and procedures should remain accessible to employees at all times.
Hazard Scout provides employees easy access to all policy and procedures, and allows them to be viewed at any time.
What's new in Hazard Scout 1.0
- Enjoy uploading large photos now- Stability issues fixes
Download Hazard Scout 1.0 unlimited APK
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