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How to install Bitrix24 apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Bitrix24 Description
Bitrix24 is a social intranet, a unified work space for your company. The service enhances internal information exchange and communications and places a complete set of business tools into a single, intuitive interface.The mobile version supports the activity stream, comments on posts, liking, notifications, instant messages and pushed notifications, as well as the company directory and workgroups.
To deploy the mobile version on your device, enter the address of your Bitrix24, your login or email and password.
What is Bitrix24?
Imagine a place where all of your business communication and information is neatly collected, easily managed, and accessible at any time. Imagine getting immediate feedback and reactions as you and your team work, so that you know that at each step you are moving in the right direction. Think about having fewer, more effective meetings. If you are ready to work like this, you are ready for Bitrix24.
- manage projects and tasks
- discuss ideas, strategy, and ongoing events in a social network format
- plan meetings with shared calendars
- provide secure, simple information exchange within the company
- increase efficiency of each employee and the whole company
Bitrix24 is a secure cloud service. Your data is safely maintained and access to it is provided through only through the access rights granted by you.
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What's new in Bitrix24
- video calls are now more stable;- updated the message recipient selection controls;
- minor issues fixed.
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